Monday, August 10, 2009

Loggerhead Triathlon 2009

On August 8th (our 10 year wedding anniversary!) I completed the Loggerhead Triathlon in Juno Beach. This was my second triathlon and I was super excited! I was 15th in my age group (out of only 16) and 472 out of 600 overall. I had Jay, Papa, Nana, Pop and the kids there cheering me on! I loved it! So fun!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

NPB Kids Triathlon

Lily completed the 1st annual NPB Kids Triathlon on August 1st. She was a superstar!! She came in 9th out of 25 in her category. (She had the fastest run time in her category) Nana and Pop were there to watch. We were so proud of her! Check out the video!